Okay, I’ll be the first to admit that there at times I want to scream when I see the quote above. (You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.) Some days I just don’t want to hear it. It’s the last thing I need. I’m sure that almost anyone with Gastroparesis has felt the same way. You wonder just how strong you are expected to be and just how much more life is going to throw at you. You want to rip this paper from the pushpin, ball it up, and throw it in the garbage (maybe even set the paper on fire).
However, I will say that my fellow Gastroparesis fighters are some of the strongest people I have ever met in my life. It seems that once we get over the initial mental hurdle of being dealt this incurable condition, that we develop a mental toughness like no other. Sure we have our days of Brain Fog. We have our days when depression takes over. We have our days of self doubt. But what I am noticing is that once you start to gain control of your brain and are able to push the negative thoughts out. It is downright amazing how tough GPers really are. This toughness is why the little post-it is correct. We are strong enough to live this life.
We are resourceful enough to start Facebook groups, blogs, and forums in order to educate ourselves and to educate others. We know the limited amount of research occurring for Gastroparesis so we use ourselves as human guinea pigs in an attempt to feel better even for an hour. We will try anything. I think I would even try eating a mouse if someone told me it would make me feel better. Those of you who are healthy and reading this are probably completely disgusted by that thought. Those of you with Gastroparesis understand that I am only half joking and are contemplating in your head if you have heard anything about this before.
We have the resolve to keep fighting. We have the resolve to fight for legislation that would expand research for Gastroparesis. Legislation that will hopefully keep us from serving our guests mouse BBQ. We are sick and tired of being sick and tired. We are tired of laying in our beds. We are tired of laying on our bathroom floors. We want a change and we want it now!
This is why the statement is correct “You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it”. We are strong enough to make the voice of Gastroparesis heard. We are strong enough to not take this lying down with the GP Elves serving us mouse!
PS…Please do not try to eat mouse as a result of this entry. Please consult a trained medical professional before making ANY dietary changes.
PS…Please help pass HR842 to expand research funding for Gastroparesis. Call your congressman and vote on-line: https://www.popvox.com/bills/us/113/hr842
Filed under: depression, Diet, Energy, Gastroparesis, health, Inspiration, Life, priorities Tagged: diet, gastroparesis, goals, health, Inspiration, life, priorities