Sorry to everyone for not writing in awhile. However, it is for happy reasons! I have been feeling AMAZING and have been going to the gym every day of the week. Words cannot adequately express what it feels like to be able to exercise again. I have been doing a combination of weight lifting, spin class, aqua aerobics, YOGA, pilates, walking, and running. YOGA is in all capitals because I believe that it is a huge key to an exercise plan (whether you have Gastroparesis or not). Yoga helps you focus on your body and become in tune to how it is feeling. It helps you know when you need to back off and when you can add on. It also is extremely relaxing which helps make anyone feel better.
I attribute that being able to accomplish so many trips to the gym (12 workouts in 7 days to be exact) to completely rehauling my diet. Oddly, my marathon viewing of the latest season of the Biggest Loser helped me realize that I could do it. If everyone on that show can do it, then so can I! Yes, this is an odd place for someone with Gastroparesis to find inspiration but we have to take it where we can get it!
I am now officially gluten-free, refined sugar free, caffeine free, chemical free, and red meat free. At the advice of my acupuncturist, I am also sticking with warm foods. I am now happy to report that I feel the most alive that I have felt in years. My bloating is extremely diminished. My cramps are gone, the reflux is gone (I do still take Prilosec & Zantac), my head isn’t foggy, and I feel like I can conquer the world.
Cleaning out all of these chemicals is not only good for GPers but for anyone. The body was not meant to absorb such chemicals and does not need them to survive. Your body craves natural foods and my suspicion is that for GPers lean protein is the way to go.
Going through all of the withdrawal was not fun and I am still fighting cravings, but based on how I feel I am not even tempted to go back to my prior eating habits. I am so thankfully that I am finding something that is sticking and it is based on the following: Acupuncture, digestive enzymes, domperidone, probiatics, yoga, and all natural food.
Remember, that these things take time so you may not see results right away. However, once you get to the other side it is amazing how much greener the grass is. I am happy to leave that old wilted GP flair up field behind me and am running as fast as I can away from it!
I must also admit that I am happy that all of those “friends” that left during the past couple of horrible years are no longer around to enjoy my good days with me!
I hope to post some recipes this weekend & will be posting our June Adventurer of the Month next week! Stay tuned for exciting days ahead!
As with all of my posts, please do not substitute my advice for that of a trained medical professional. Please also discuss any drastic exercise or diet changes with a trained medical professional.
Filed under: Acupuncture, bloating, BrainFog, caffeine free, Diet, Energy, Exercise, Gastroparesis, gluten free, health, Inspiration, Life, running, Spinning Tagged: acupuncture, caffein free, exercise, feeling alive, gastroparesis, gluten free, health, Inspiration, life, red meat free, refined sugar free