It is the start of “Gluten-Free April” and I’m off to a great success! Both yesterday and today I have been gluten-free and am also doing well on my other goals for April. I prepared everything the night before and was in bed prior to 10 pm. Yesterday was zero on the coffee count but today was two. No exercise either day, but got signed up for the gym! (Today, I had a small foot procedure which prohibited me from exercising. Everything is fine, but just enough to be annoying.)
This isn’t very good quality, but below is a photo of my success chart!
I opted for graph paper so that I could color in the squares. As mentioned previously, I am a numbers nerd and rather enjoy my graph paper. I can’t wait to see the blocks fill in over the month. It feels good to have goals again and to be having some relief. I am hopeful that eliminating gluten will help decrease my Gastroparesis symptoms. Hey…my GI Doctor, Nutritionist, and Acupuncturist can’t ALL be wrong. Can they?
A HUGE thank you to everyone who is sending me recipes, links, and encouragement. It definitely gives me the extra motivation to succeed. When I started this blog, I wasn’t sure what to expect. The response has been overwhelming and I am so thankful that others feel that I am representing Gastroparesis correct enough to share with others. Thank you for helping me feel like I have this disorder for a reason and for encouraging me to succeed in “Gluten-Free April”.
Filed under: Diet, Gastroparesis, gluten free, health, Inspiration, Life Tagged: diet, gastroparesis, gluten free, health, Inspiration, life