Today marks the 50th post for Adventures with Gastroparesis! The time has gone by quickly and the support has been amazing. When I started this blog, I wasn’t sure how well it would expand. As it turns out, several people were looking for a place to read about life with Gastroparesis. I am so happy that others can relate to the adventures I share and am hopefully that it is also helping their families & friends.
It’s only fitting to think of balloons when thinking of a celebration. Some might say that a GPers stomach is like a balloon. It expands and expands and expands. There is so much pressure built up that it is extremely uncomfortable and you wish that there was a way to pop the balloon and relieve the pressure.
Well, oddly enough, I think an acupuncture needle popped my balloon! My stomach pressure has been slowly deflating over the course of my acupuncture treatments these past two weeks. It feels AMAZING to not feel like I am carrying around a basketball attached to my gut. Now it wasn’t as simple as popping a balloon. It wasn’t as if the acupuncturist put the needle in my belly and then there was a big hiss of air leaving my stomach. Although I am sure that would lead to an interesting conversation.
Another reason that I am in love with acupuncture is that my stomach cramping has been greatly reduced and most days it has been extremely minimal. I have also been cutting gluten out of my diet so I think the combination is providing some relief.
Are you sitting down? I hope so, because today after acupuncture I was HUNGRY! I honestly cannot remember the last time I felt hunger. It was a crazy feeling. I even heard my stomach growl! It wasn’t making the usual Gastroparesis monster/door creaking noises that wake you up in the middle of the night; it was making a legitimate stomach growl saying “Feed Me”. I was so excited, but I held firm and stayed the course with my smoothies for now. I am still hungry for dinner! This has been a crazy feeling all day!
Based on the past two weeks, I would highly recommend acupuncture to anyone with Gastroparesis. Make sure to check with your doctor first to make sure it is okay for you. Also, make sure to do your homework and go to a licensed, reputable acupuncturist.
Maybe you won’t actually hear the hiss of a your stomach balloon popping….but you can make the noise and see what happens!
Filed under: Acupuncture, bloating, blogging, Diet, Gastroparesis, gluten free, health, Inspiration, Life Tagged: acupuncture, blogging, diet, gastroparesis, gluten free, health, Inspiration, life